April Is Oral Health Month
April is Oral Health Month in Canada. Good oral health is important for your overall well-being and health. As dentists, it is our job to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. This is so we can all work together toward greater prevention and early detection of diseases and illness. Read on to learn more about how you can take better care of your oral health.
Oral Health Month: Understanding Why Oral Health Is Important
Exercising and eating a healthy diet are important habits to cultivate for a healthy body and mind. But, did you know that oral health can also impact your overall health and well-being? Missing teeth, toothaches, sore gums, and other oral health issues can really take a toll on your day-to-day life. They can make you uncomfortable, self-conscious, and can affect how you eat and speak. However, did you know that poor oral health can also lead to more severe diseases? For example, plaque buildup can lead to gingivitis, which if left untreated can result in PERIODONTITIS. Similarly, poor oral health increases your risk of oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer. National Oral Health Month aims to raise awareness about these issues and encourage everyone to take better care of their teeth and gums.
Oral Health Month: Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
While exercising and eating right are key to improving your health, a healthy lifestyle should also include a proper oral care routine. In fact, the Canadian Dental Association lists these five steps for achieving a healthy mouth:
- See your dentist regularly : regular check-ups and cleaning are a great prevention tool. Furthermore, dentists can spot any irregularities in the mouth and treat conditions accordingly.
- Eat a well-balanced diet : you should eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. In fact, one of the risk factors of oral cancer is poor diet and not eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Check your mouth regularly : you should check your gums, tongues, and the inside of your mouth for signs of oral cancer or gum disease.
- Limit your alcohol consumption and quit smoking: consuming tobacco products is one of the leading causes of death in Canada.
- Keep your mouth clean: brush twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush, and floss once a day.
April is also Dental Hygienists Week™
An important part of National Oral Health Month is Dental Hygienists Week™, which was celebrated this year from April 4 to 10. This week aims to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health. But it also promotes the importance and role of the dental hygienist profession. Dental hygienists are an integral part of the dental team. We are so grateful for the work our hygienists do at our clinic and with our patients.
Oral Health Month is a great opportunity to take stock of your oral care routine and make the necessary changes for healthier teeth and gums.
To schedule an appointment with a dentist, contact us today.