Christmas 2020: Yes, It Can Still Be the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

To say 2020 has been an extraordinary year is quite the understatement. So, it comes as no surprise that Christmas 2020 will be anything but normal. But as the world continues to fight this terrible pandemic, we can still find ways to celebrate. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, the Solstice or any other holiday, here are a few ideas to enjoy this special time of year safely. 

Christmas 2020 goes virtual

It is hard to believe that we have been living in “pandemic mode” for 10 months already! The upside is that we have become pros at doing things online. From online classrooms to meetings to happy hours to book clubs, going virtual has become part of our day-to-day life. And as family gatherings are now a no-go in Quebec, we will have to once again resort to seeing family and friends on screen rather than in person. Luckily, there are many different platforms and apps to host all your online get-togethers. So, host a virtual dinner party or Yuletide drink. Share the lighting of the menorah or kinara with family, open gifts, or have an ugly Christmas sweater contest remotely. Platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Messenger, Houseparty, Facetime, Google Duo are some of the most popular apps and offer different features for all your celebratory needs!

Spread the cheer for Christmas 2020

Let’s face it, we can all use a little cheering up this year. Many of us are experiencing COVID fatigue and are having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Not to mention the stress and anxiety we have been feeling since COVID-19 blew into town.So why not go the extra mile with the decorations this year? You don’t need to Griswold family big, but string up a few extra lights or get a real tree instead of the plastic one. Creating a festive ambiance can really get you into the spirit of the season and boost your mood. Furthermore, you can deliver cookies and treats to friends, loved ones, and neighbours and really spread the cheer!

Send greetings through the mail

Many of us have stopped sending holiday cards by mail for various reasons. But as almost everything else has gone virtual, why not revive the holiday tradition and send a card by mail or deliver it personally (from a safe distance of course)! Furthermore, getting the children involved is a great holiday arts and craft activity to keep them busy. Have them make personalized greeting cards. This could be especially meaningful to elderly relatives or seniors living alone. You can even deliver cards to senior residences and really brighten up a senior’s day.

Host a virtual movie night

We all have our holiday traditions and many of those involve classic movies. A Christmas Carol, The Grinch, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Elf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and so many others. But did you know that you can now host a virtual movie night? TeleParty is a new way to watch movies and shows with family and friends online! So, grab the popcorn and invite your friends to watch your favourite flicks! 

Do something good

This year is the perfect time to let your inner altruist shine brightly. The holidays can be an especially difficult time of year for those less fortunate. And because of the pandemic, many more families are facing financial and food insecurity. Why not do something good and embrace the true spirit of the season? You and your children can organize a food drive, collecting canned goods for your local food bank. Or donate meals to homeless shelters or toys to women’s shelters. There are countless ways to get involved right in your own neighbourhood and help those who need it most. And doing good has been proven to boost your own mental health as well!

Remember to take care of yourself

Taking care of your physical and mental health is more important than ever. Eat right, get plenty of rest and exercise. Getting fresh air, staying in touch with friends and family, and just taking some much needed me-time can also do wonders to recharge your battery. And remember to take care of your mental health as well. Many of us have been struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, and other issues since the health crisis began. As such, reach out to mental health professionals and make sure you get the support you need to get you through these unprecedented times. Sometimes we all need a little extra help. 

Christmas 2020 will definitely be different for all of us this year. Enjoying the season safely will involve tweaking certain traditions and adapting to our new reality. But who knows you might just start a new tradition! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our loyal patients and wish them all happy holidays. Please take care of yourselves and we look forward to welcoming you back to the clinic in 2021. Book your next appointment today.

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