Dental veneers

What is a dental veneer?
A dental veneer is a thin shell that is bonded to the visible surface of the tooth to be treated. It can be used to change the shape or color of one or more teeth that may be stained, worn, fractured or slightly misaligned. The Fortin Poirier dental clinic offers two types of dental veneers: composite dental veneers and ceramic dental veneers.

The different types of dental veneers
Composite veneers
Composite veneers are fabricated directly on site by a dentist at the Fortin Poirier Dental Clinic. Only one appointment is required for this procedure. Multiple veneers can be fabricated in a single visit. Composite veneers cost less than porcelain veneers, and are easily repaired when necessary.
Ceramic veneers
Ceramic veneers are made in a laboratory. Two appointments are required for the complete procedure. The first appointment is necessary to take an impression and prepare the tooth. A second appointment allows the dentist to cement the veneer onto the tooth. Ceramic veneers offer many advantages. Among other things, it preserves the glossy, translucent appearance of teeth. It doesn’t change color over time, and lasts longer than composite veneers. Ceramic veneers are usually more resistant to staining than composite veneers.
What is the procedure?
Virtually painless, the procedure is performed with a local anaesthetic, as tooth enamel is removed.
For a composite veneer, the procedure involves thinning the tooth, so that it is not disproportionate once the veneer is fixed. A composite resin matching the shade of the neighboring teeth is applied to the tooth. The Fortin Poirier dentist then shapes the resin to match the natural shape of the other teeth. Once hardened, the veneer is finally shaped and polished to give it its final natural appearance.
The porcelain veneer, on the other hand, is made in the laboratory from an impression of the tooth. When the veneer is ready, the tooth is prepared for cementation. The veneer is then cemented to the tooth using a special resin.
Need dental veneers?
Make an appointment with one of our dentists to learn more about dental veneers.